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Meet Dr. Karin


I like to call myself a "Flow State Facilitator" as I have been a flow state apprentice for most of my life! I'm a scholar, educator, and consultant, a Naturopathic Doctor, wife, mother, and lover of life. 


I take a common-sense approach my clients find refreshing and easy to incorporate into their busy lives. As a mom, I understand the need for effective, powerful, and practical approaches to life transformation. I am committed to offering the latest healing modalities and I have a genuine passion for touching lives.

My Vision

My vision is three-fold:


  • To educate each person about their vital systems and how their unique body is working for or against them in their current state.

  • To honor and understand that the body is a trinity of the physical, emotional, and spiritual and help my patients understand how each one affects the other.

  • To advance natural healthcare with data-driven technologies to create custom health plans.


When I was 9 years old, medical doctors told my mother who suffered from severe migraines that "it was all in her head." She decided to take her health into her own hands through research, clean eating, and supplementation. This is where my story begins.


At 28 years old, I faced a health crisis that could have ended tragically. I was very sick all day, every day with nausea, diarrhea, and sharp pains in my abdomen – so severe I could not get up. I was losing weight daily.


I didn't want to get the same run around that my mother did so I went to a naturopathic doctor a friend recommended. The naturopath immediately said it was parasites and I got on her regimen. A week later, my husband insisted I go to a medical doctor as he did not think I was getting better. So, to honor his wishes I went and told the doctor what my symptoms were. I surely was not going to tell him what the naturopath said!


The doctor diagnosed me with nausea and an EATING DISORDER! Yep, he had not heard one thing that I told him. He gave me two prescriptions and was ready to walk out when I said: "Excuse me doctor, you have completely misdiagnosed me. If you had listened to the symptoms I shared you should have thought about parasites. That's what my issue is."

Dr. Karin Nielsen - Wellness Centre of Baton Rouge CEO

Dr. Karin Nielsen, ND, BCHHP, CCT, ACLT

Luckily, he turned around, blushed, and apologized. He ripped up the two prescriptions, one of which would have sent me to the hospital, and ordered a stool kit so he could confirm I had parasites. The test came back positive, but it was ultimately the help from the naturopath that got me back on track.


I was lucky to find a naturopathic doctor that could spot parasites so quickly. Many don't, leaving patients searching and suffering for years.


That's where my education and passion for helping others began. My question is, why wouldn't you want to get information from both sides of the health industry? It saved my life knowing what I knew before seeing a medical doctor. I believe in working WITH your doctors and creating a customized plan so you feel better faster.

What Do All Those Acronyms After My Name Mean?

First, it means I've been at this for a while! I've completed over ten years of study and meet ongoing educational licensing requirements. I opened my doors in 2007 and have been learning from clients ever since! Here are what all those acronyms mean:


ND - Naturopathic Doctor


BCHHP - Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner


CCT - Certified Clinical Thermographer


ACLT - Advanced Certified Lymphatic Therapist


BNC -  Bionetics Naturopathic Counselor


MOM - One of the most important "acronyms" of all. As a mother, I want to make sure children have every chance to thrive!



Graduate of Global College of Natural Medicine

Graduate of Trinity College of Natural Health

Graduate of Energetic Wellness School of Naturopathy

Bionetic Naturopathic Counselor

Member of the American Holistic Health Association

Member of the International Association of Medical Thermography


© 2022 The Wellness Centre of Baton Rouge  •  1528 DelPlaza Dr., Suite B, Baton Rouge,  LA 70815  •  225-229-6107  

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